Comparative Theology Notes
My theological
position has evolved throughout my life. The essay below was written at a time
when I was more monotheistic; at this time, I am more of an atheist, although I
would believe in a god if I ever met one, provided they could answer some very
important questions to my satisfaction.
Comparative Theology Notes
Man is created twice in Genesis: Once in 1:26 and again in
2:7. This occurs in both the Christian
and Jewish versions of Genesis.
The Koran tells a bit of the story of Noah, but a slightly
different version than the one in Genesis.
The Flood is mentioned, but more in passing; it seems focused on the
behavior of men, which led to the punishment.
The Koran seems to be an attempt to continue or add to the
existing scriptures, in that it does not mention the creation of the world, but
does refer to previously written texts.
This makes sense, as it was written long after most of the
Bible books.
The Koran account of the virgin birth of Jesus makes no
mention of Joseph whatever, and seems to imply that Mary was alone at the time of
the birth. It discounts Jesus as the begotten son of God while acknowledging
him as a prophet.
You can see the hand of another author at work in the story
of Noah. The style and characterizations
are distinctly different. The story is
actually told twice, but the two are woven together to look like one. The number of beasts is particularly telling,
and the distinction is more obvious in the Pentateuch version.
The story of Noah carries another connotation, which seems
so obscure as to be missed on a regular basis:
There can be no Apocalypse, because of the covenant between God and His
Size of the
The water rose to a depth of 22.5’ (fifteen cubits),
scarcely enough to drown a small knoll, and yet it claims that all the
mountains were covered.
God as He speaks to Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar seems almost
like a psychologist, asking questions to which He surely knows the answers, but
knowing that mortal man sometimes needs to say out loud what he thinks.
In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, not only are the ‘sins’
of the two cities never specified, it seems also that the ‘men’ or ‘angels’
sent by God completely forget about Lot’s sons and sons-in-law during the
flight from Sodom. There seem to be many
accounts in Genesis where someone is ‘wicked in the sight of the Lord’ without
any details of the nature of that wickedness.
Abraham does indeed use the ‘my wife is my sister’ ploy
twice, in two different places, one before
Isaac, son of Abraham, also uses the wife/sister ruse, in
The term “Lord of Hosts” seems a contradiction to the
monotheistic paradigm.
The story of Joseph the dream-interpreter is told in the
Koran, the Pentateuch, and the Bible.
Excerpt from “The Pentateuch
and Haphtarah” edited by Dr. J.H. Hertz, C.H.:
“In brief, evolution is conceivable only as the activity
of a creative Mind purposing, by means of physical and biological laws, that
wonderful organic development which has reached its climax in a being endowed
with rational and moral faculties and capable of high ethical and spiritual
achievement; in other words, as the activity of a supreme directing
Intelligence that has planned out, far back in the recesses of time, the
ultimate goal of creation-‘last in production, first in thought.’ Thus evolution, far from destroying the religious teaching of Genesis 1, is its
profound confirmation.”
Time Zero could be looked upon as the awakening of God, or
His arrival into this universe. From
where? It is truly impossible to
There seems to be a continuing theme, among Jewish and
Muslim texts at least, to discredit the other three major monotheistic
religions. Having heard the very same
sort of slander from Christians regarding Jews and Muslims, this seems to be a
common enmity. It almost gives the
impression that, without this ongoing mud-slinging, there would be very little
to distinguish the three monotheistic religions from one another.
Similarities: Admonition to charity, forgiveness, Divine
retribution taking the place of human, the command to love thy brother,
submission to the will of God, and, of course, monotheism replacing idolatry
and animism.
Are we not all sons and daughters of God Almighty,
descendants of Abraham? Therefore, is
not any ground upon which we set our feet holy ground, and every other man and
woman our brother and sister?
If God is anywhere, He is everywhere.
The true nature of God is unknowable. All we have is the small and personal sense
within of His presence. No single creed
or theology can contain all of the Truth.
If the three major monotheistic religions set aside their
differences and acknowledged their similarities, it would be the greatest step
forward mankind has ever or will ever achieve.
The Bible is selective and exclusive in content. If any of it is to be taken literally, it
falls short of credibility. Too much is
taken out of context and used for the validation of personal beliefs, which may
or may not be reflected elsewhere.
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