Core Tenet #4: Respect for Science
Topic: Core Tenet #4: Respect for Science Belief must be tempered with a respect for science. As thinking beings, we are obligated to do our best to understand the scientific method as well as basic scientific principles. Always be willing to learn new things about the Universe. Religion and science have often been at odds with one another. Some religions don’t accept certain scientific discoveries, such as evolution or even the existence of dinosaurs, as truth. Galileo was imprisoned as a heretic. Although all these discoveries: evolution, dinosaurs, and a heliocentric model of the solar system, are widely accepted within the scientific community, there are, even in this day and age , a few rather vocal people who deny them. There are even people who insist that the Earth is flat. However, the Path encourages us to be open to new ideas and new information. It seems like new scientific discoveries are being made every day. Some of those discoveries contradict o...