A Meditation Upon the Nature of Truth
Topic: A Meditation Upon the Nature of Truth
remains true, regardless of how unpopular it may be. When Galileo first
discovered that the earth actually revolves around the sun, he was declared a
heretic by the Catholic Church and put on house arrest. His discovery did not
match the Catholic version of the world, and was therefore wildly unpopular.
However, that truth remains true to this day, and is even recognized as truth
by the very church that fought against it so vehemently.
it was discovered that man evolved from primitive apelike creatures, that
finding was also considered heresy. Now it is considered scientific fact in
most respected circles, and its opponents are ridiculed and largely ignored by
the enlightened community. Once again, the truth has overcome its suppression
by those who would see mankind blunder about in the darkness of superstition.
seems that every scientific discovery that shows pre-existing supposition to be
wrong is doomed to suppression. The last thing society wants is for the human
race to reach enlightenment. Fortunately, it also appears that truth will
reveal itself, and those who would seek to prevent that happening are fighting
a losing battle.
The truth shall set you
free, but only if you are free to seek the truth.”
When faced with new
information that contradicts what you want to believe, it is important to be
able to adapt your worldview accordingly. Always be willing to search for the
truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you sometimes. Also, always
check your sources; be aware of any potential bias or political slant when
doing your research. Most importantly, think critically about anything you read
or hear.
Have you learned
anything recently that revealed a new truth to you? If so, what was it, and how
did you respond?
Reverend CJ Carlin
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