My Mother's Eulogy
In Memoriam:
Doloris Rae Rowe Aldous
November 11, 1950
to August 25, 2023
Our beloved mother shed her mortal shell at around nine in
the morning on Friday, August 25, at her home in Mountain Home, Idaho. She was
diagnosed with kidney cancer in the spring of 2022 and fought it for a long
time, but it eventually spread throughout her body until it took her life.
Doloris was born at home in Thornton, Idaho on November 11,
1950 to Doris and Tom Rowe. Of the ten children born to her parents, eight
survived to adulthood, and Doloris was the fifth. The family lived in Thornton
until Mama was eight, when they moved to Blackfoot. On November 10, 1973, about
one month after her father passed away of a massive heart attack, she married
our father, Myles, and they went on to have five children. She graduated from
Blackfoot High School in 1969 and earned an associate degree in business
management from the University of Phoenix when she was in her sixties. Her
first job was driving a potato truck in the fall of 1967. She worked a variety
of jobs in different fields until her retirement in 2012. She and Daddy had
four more years together until his death on April 15, 2016 made her a widow. From
then on, she was pretty much on her own.
Mama was not only the most faithful follower of the Path,
she was one of the people who helped to shape it. She was the most moral person
I have ever met, and I often went to her for advice if I had a moral dilemma.
Some of the Core Tenets and Virtues of the Path were inspired by the way she
lived her life, which is why she is named as a Patron Saint as well as being
recognized in the Acknowledgements in the Book of the Path.
Our mother was a generous-hearted woman who tended to adopt
our spouses and friends, remembering their birthdays and welcoming them into
her home as if they were her own children. Several of our friends -and even
former spouses- still remain part of the family, drawn in and held together by
the love that she held for all of us. Thanksgiving Day became the holiday when
we all got together, and it always made her happy to see her children getting
along and supporting each other. All of us tried to be on our best behavior in
front of her, even when we had our quarrels outside of her view.
Mama was also quite creative, able to draw, crochet, sew,
and craft things like earrings. She made most of her blouses and loved to
embellish thrift store pants with birds and flowers. All of us have hand-made
gifts from her that are treasured family hierlooms. She loved peacocks,
hummingbirds, elephants, and tigers, and images of those animals could be found
all over her house. Grandmama’s house was a magical place for her grandchidlren
and great-grandchildren, full of toys and treats and good times. Family
gatherings were loud and boisterous and full of the sound of laughter.
The most important lesson I learned from my mother is that a
woman must be her own person, instead of defining herself solely as a spouse or
parent. Some women do not know how to Balance their love for their children
with love for themselves, but our mother did. She had friends, and hobbies, and
work, and encouraged her children to grow into responsible, self-reliant
adults. This was unusual in the environment we lived in at the time; a lot of
my friends had a toxic relationship with their mothers. I never felt pressured
to follow one specific career path or to pursue whatever dreams she gave up to
become a mother. I know she sacrificed a lot for us, but she never used that
against us. Mama took pride in her children’s accomplishments without being
overbearing or trying to control us, and we all appreciated that. She was
always the first person I would call with good news, because I knew she would be
happy for me and celebrate with me, whatever it was.
As far as I know, the only source of unhappiness in my
mother’s life was her weight, which she struggled with since her second
pregnancy. My father was not as good to her as he should have been because of
her weight, which really did not help. However, the extra weight may have
prolonged her life by months, if not years, because her body had reserves to
draw upon when the cancer began to take hold. Thanks in part to her weight, we
had some time with our mother, time to make memories with her that we can treasure
and share with our grandchildren. She was also able to see all of her children,
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren before her passing.
Our mother’s true legacy is this big, loud, loving clan of
people that only exists because she said yes to a man with a ring way back in
1973. The best way to honor her memory is to remain as loving towards one
another as we can be.
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