The Path Compatibility with Other Belief Systems


Topic: The Path Compatibility with Other Belief Systems

The practice of the Path is compatible with many other belief systems. For example, I am also a practicing Wiccan. It is easy to reconcile the two, as the Path is partly based on some Wiccan principles. The Wiccan Rede says:

“Bide the Wiccan Law ye must

In perfect love and perfect trust

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An harm ye none, do what ye will.

Lest in thy self-defense it be,

Ever mind the Rule of Three.

And follow this in mind and heart

And merry meet, and merry part!”

The most important aspect of witchcraft is doing no harm; it is the cornerstone of modern Wicca. This applies not only to hexes and curses, but also spell-work or rituals intended to impose your will upon the free will of another, such as certain love spells. The practical reason for this proscription is the Rule of Three; basically, you get back whatever you release into the world, times three. This is the Wiccan equivalent of Ka, a simple standard of behavior that helps us define ourselves as Good Witches rather than Bad Witches. The Wiccan Rede is in line with the first Core Tenet of the Path, and the practice of the Virtues makes me a better witch; the two belief systems are symbiotic.

You can even apply some parts of the New Testament to Path doctrine, although biblical literalism isn’t quite as compatible with the Path, as we’ve discussed before. But a more critical reading of any religious text will reveal some basic, universal truths, and you will see some of those same concepts in the Path. Buddhism and Sikhism are both completely in harmony with the practice of the Path, as is Islam, if somebody wanted to try the experiment. Since the Path is non-dogmatic, and you are free to pick and choose which ideas you agree with, you can make it your own and let it serve as a complement to any other spiritual tradition you choose to ascribe to.

Do you practice any other spiritual tradition? If so, do you find it easy or difficult to reconcile it with the Path?


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