Situational Morality and its Applications
Topic: Situational Morality and its Applications
The Path teaches us to practice what I call situational
morality: the individual freedom to choose the path of least harm in every
situation. This means that certain actions can be either right or wrong,
depending on the circumstances. As defined by Path doctrine, situational
morality is all about doing your best to be a good person, no matter what life
throws at you. It means letting your conscience guide and inform your behavior,
and doing the right thing even if you end up standing alone. It also means being
willing to grow as a person and accepting the consequences of your actions.
Always be willing to own up to the choices you make, knowing that you did the
best you could with what Ka put in your path. Situational morality also affords
the practitioner the luxury of a personal list of “nevers:” Things we will
never do, lines we will never cross. This list always varies from person to
person, and a lot of us add qualifiers. For instance, I will never instigate
physical violence against another human being unless that human being is a
clown and I cannot get away from it.
My favorite example is that stealing is wrong, unless your
only alternative is starving to death. Another good example is the qualifier in
the first Core Tenet of the Path, that doing some small harm may sometimes be
necessary to protect yourself from even greater harm, like punching a clown to
give yourself a chance to run away. We actually see a kind of situational
morality portrayed in zombie movies. There is always a loved one who has been
bitten and has to be killed to save the rest of the survivors, so our hero must
make the hard choice to put a bullet in their head so they will not endanger
everyone else. While it is obviously highly unlikely that any of us will ever
be put in such an extreme situation, we may be faced with other, less
life-threatening moral gray areas, and we are encouraged to practice
situational morality in those circumstances. The idea behind situational
morality is that you are empowered to evaluate your situation and make the best
choices you can, given your options.
Sometimes it is hard to know what to do. Followers of the
Path are encouraged to practice the Eight Virtues and keep the Core Tenets in
mind when faced with morally challenging situations. The single most important
factor to consider when faced with a moral dilemma is how much harm or good
will be done with each option. The Path also teaches that you are accountable
only to your own conscience. Although Ka has a way of reciprocating you for whatever
energy you release into the world, there is no celestial moral authority
passing judgment on you, now or later. We choose the path of least harm not for
heavenly reward, but for our own peace of mind; Compassion and Patience are
part of the Path to Enlightenment. Thus the motivation for our actions can come
from a place of true benevolence rather than fear of damnation.
I think a lot of people practice their own version of
situational morality. Do you? Do you have your own list of “nevers?”
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