Core Tenet #2 and Crafting Your Own Wheel of the Virtues
Topic: Core Tenet #2 and Crafting Your Own Wheel of the
This will be a brief sermon. We are going to talk about
creating your own version of the Wheel of the Virtues and offer some
suggestions on how to go about doing so.
The second Core Tenet of the Path reminds us to practice the
Eight Virtues: Self-Control, Balance, Integrity, Effort, Patience, Compassion,
Mindfulness, and Serenity.
Followers of the Path are encouraged to craft or create
their own Wheel of the Virtues. The order of most of the Virtues in your
personal Wheel are up to you, as long as you begin with Self-Control and end
with Serenity.
There are a few options for what to associate with the
Virtues. You can use plants, animals, stones and crystals, or colors. You could
even assign Virtues to book titles, if you feel that the story demonstrates
that Virtue. You can also have as many Wheels as you want. Here in the Temple
of the Path, there is a Wheel of coloring pages on the wall and one of stones
and crystals on my Shrine. The best place to keep your Wheel is in your sacred
space. That may be a corner of your bedroom or in another room entirely. My
sacred space is my study.
As far as the materials, structure, and location of your
Wheel, that is also entirely up to you. By means of strategic symbol placement,
you can transform an entire room into a Wheel, as I have done here in the
Temple. If you associate colors with the Virtues, you can use things like
stones or candles in those colors on your Wheel. The important thing is that
you relate to your personal Wheel of the Virtues and can use it to remind
yourself to practice them.
Have you already created a Wheel of the Virtues for
yourself? If so, would you like to share or describe it?
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