The War on Drugs
Topic: The War on Drugs
In America, the war on drugs was lost before it even began; they
tried to keep people from drinking during Prohibition, which -as we all know-
did not work. The simple fact is that people are going to get high, legal or
otherwise. Also, most of the social harm done by illicit substances is because
they are illegal, not because of the substances themselves. Used Mindfully, almost
every street drug can be used for either medicinal or spiritual purposes. About
the only exception is crystal meth.
Most drugs are derived from plants. Cocaine comes from the
coca plant, heroin and other opiates come from poppies, and of course mushrooms
and cannabis are consumed in their raw, unprocessed state. LSD is actually made
from a chemical derived from fungus that grows on rye bread. So most of these
drugs are made using a plant that evolved alongside humanity. Cannabis is
non-toxic because it is intended to be consumed. That is how it propagates:
Seeds eaten by animals and then deposited with a nice little dollop of
fertilizer later on. (In contrast, meth is made by combining a laundry list of
toxic chemicals, including ammonia and acetic acid. Any one of those chemicals
could kill you if you got too much of it in your system or even on your skin.)
We need to finally break down and wave the white flag when
it comes to drugs. In other words, we need to de-criminalize everything but
crystal meth, and then find meth users a safer, legal alternative. (Ritalin?) Throwing
people in jail for carrying an eighth of weed does not teach them not to smoke
weed, just how not to get caught with it. Every person I have ever known who
had to quit smoking pot because they were on probation (for smoking pot)
sparked a joint the day after their probation was over. It bears repeating:
People are going to get high. If you let them, you can tax the shit out of it
and rake in the cash. Every state that has legalized cannabis has made billions
in weed money. In 2023, Oregon had enough of a budget surplus that they just
gave money to everyone who filed a tax return. (I am not sure if it was
income-based, or what. I got about $1250.00.) And that’s just pot. Imagine how much
a state could make on heroin or LSD taxes.
In most cases, getting high does no harm to anyone. The Path
teaches us that our bodies belong to us, and that we are free to do as we wish
with them as long as we are not hurting somebody.
Do you like to get high? What is your drug of choice?
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