The Spiritual Value of Getting High
Topic: The Spiritual Value of Getting High Connection or communion with your Higher Power can be achieved in various ways. Some people pray, some meditate, and some augment those practices with psychoactive substances, both natural and synthetic. The most important thing is the state of mind, not the method that gets you there. As you all know, my personal preferred method for reaching that elevated state of mind is Cannabis. I’m something of a Weed Jesus; I like to preach its many benefits, and that’s what I’d like to talk about today. We have evidence of both medicinal and spiritual use of cannabis for thousands of years; it has been used spiritually in India probably since prehistoric times. Multiple cultures have included Cannabis in their sacred observances, including Rastafarians in Jamaica, in Judahite worship in Israel dating back to the eighth century, and in China about 2500 years ago. (Source: Journal of Cannabis Research) Cannabis has evolved alongside humanity; w...